Based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks Animation film, Shrek the Musical is a Tony Award-winning stage adaptation. This hilarious fairy tale adventure features an all-new score by Jeanine Tesori and a sidesplitting book by David Lindsay-Abaire. Join Shrek, the grumpy ogre, on a life-changing journey as he rescues Princess Fiona and learns the true meaning of friendship and acceptance. With dazzling costumes, unforgettable songs, and side-splitting humor, Shrek the Musical is a must-see!
Is this show age appropriate for under 13?
Consideration 1:
We kindly ask that you consider the environment of our theatre and the enjoyment of all patrons.
The majority of the audience members will be adults.
To ensure everyone can fully appreciate the show, we request that young children who most likely
will be noisy or restless not attend.
We typically say 13 years old is a safe age but, you know your child best and can decide
if they are able to remain relatively quiet throughout the performance.
Consideration 2:
Since every parent’s definition of appropriate is different it’s hard to say that all parents
would say it is. The show contains a bit of potty humor,
gross-out jokes and some adult innuendo.
The licensing company for the show does say it’s G-Rated.
We do think most parents would say it is appropriate.
Wednesday, July 2nd - 7:30PM
Saturday, July 5th - 7:30PM
Sunday, July 6th - 2:00PM
Tuesday, July 8th - 7:30PM
Wednesday, July 9th - 7:30PM
Thursday, July 10th - 7:30PM
Friday, July 11th - 7:30PM
Saturday, July 12th - 7:30PM
Sunday, July 13th - 2:00PM
Tuesday, July 15th - 7:30PM
Wednesday, July 16th - 7:30PM
Thursday, July 17th - 7:30PM
Friday, July 18th - 7:30PM
Saturday, July 19th - 7:30PM
NOTE: All tickets non-refundable.
* Single Show Ticket $40 per show plus $3 per ticket service fee for a total of $43.
* Single Show Ticket Senior (65+) $38 per show plus $3 per ticket service fee for a total of $41.
NOTE: All ticketing is subject to a $3 per ticket service fee added by our ticketing vendor.
Book and Lyrics by David Lindsay-Abaire. Music by Jeanine Tesori.
Originally produced on Broadway by DreamWorks Theatricals and Neal Street Productions.
Original Production directed by Jason Moore and Rob Ashford.
"I'm A Believer" by Neil Diamond.
Shrek The Musical is presented through special arrangement with Music Theatre International(MTI).
All authorized performance materials are also supplied by MTI.